
Yoga for more balance

Yoga at its core means ‘unity and harmony’. Yoga is primarily about diving into one’s own mind, understanding and expanding it.

To do this, we use certain physical exercises called asanas. Through them we work our muscles and fascial system and strengthen our cardiovascular system.

The asanas are designed to bring us into long-lasting meditations and to become aware of movements. Let’s practice yoga together and discover the unity and harmony within ourselves.

What is the benefit of yoga?

Yoga at its core means 'unity and harmony'. According to Indian tradition, yoga is not mainly about the physical aspect, but rather about diving into our own mind, understanding and expanding it.
The physical exercises, called asanas, are used to facilitate long-lasting meditations and to consciously perceive movements. Yoga helps us transcend body, ego and mind and find more balance within ourselves. Let's practice yoga together and discover unity and harmony within ourselves. Yoga is a wonderful practice that can bring body, mind and spirit into harmony. The asanas, the physical exercises, strengthen the muscles and the fascial system and support the cardiovascular system.
But yoga goes beyond the physical level and can also improve your outlook on life. It promotes mindfulness, relaxes, and makes you more stress resistant and calm.

I offer osteopathic yoga as a one-on-one class, where we give your body and mind the attention they need to promote self-healing and regulation of all body systems.

By combining yoga principles with osteopathic principles, the class is customized to you and an asana flow is created to help you on your path to self-healing.
Teaching from the 5th century

A path that consists of eight stations:

Sohrab Papahn

Are you usually worn out, exhausted or stressed?

Are you interested in holistic and sustainable life and work concepts?
Do you want to live long and as healthy as possible and "do something" accordingly?
Do you already have light or medium physical symptoms from time to time, which you associate with an unresolved issue?

Online course bookings

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